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With Melt, Tom Dixon's experiments in the technologically advanced field of vacuum metallization takes on a new twist. Melt is a series of distorted spherical pendants born from a collaboration with Swedish radical design collective Front. The light bouncing and reflecting around the uneven surfaces creates a dramatic melting hot blown glass effect and an ethereal luminosity on their surroundings. Melt is translucent when on and mirror finish when off. Its internal luminosity is visible in full daylight. Available in two sizes and three finish options.
"A highly reflective shade inspired by the space helmet. The Mirror Ball is created by exploding a thin layer of pure metal onto the internal surface of a polycarbonate globe. This has become one of the most iconic products in the Tom Dixon collection. Offered in two sizes.The Fat Spot Light was manufactured using a special vacuum metallization process which has been developed over a number of years by Tom Dixon in partnership with their factory. The technically complex nature of this process (i.e applying a very thin layer of real metal to the internal surface of a polycarbonate form, which is then UV coated) requires highly skilled workers, specific machinery and clean environments to meet demanding quality levels. Metalized polycarbonate products must only be stored & installed in temperature controlled environments to preserve the quality of the product. Please take greater care when handling and installing.
Tableau小吊灯的干净现代细节与其经典而动感的悬浮式玻璃罩完美搭配。 这款吊灯有古董抛光黄铜,青铜或抛光镍,有透明或有纹理的火山玻璃,适合在潮湿的地方使用。
A pendant light made using copper, a material more commonly associated with solar cells and microwave radiation. The Copper Shade is created by exploding a thin layer of pure metal onto the internal surface of a polycarbonate globe. The result is a highly reflective surface with a warm metallic glow.
探寻农耕文明温度,构造未来! 源于自然从物质走向精神途中的记忆,是对现代化冲击下的后农耕文明的再思考,试图探索出一条突破人造环境直通自然的生命进路。
清水混凝土在工艺与材料质量上有着严格的高品质高水准的要求,而它最后在人们面前却呈现出静谧的状态、低调的气质。 塑模、搅拌、浇灌必须一次成型高水准工艺的清水混凝土所呈现的是真心、本心、本性的美学境界,无论是经验多么丰富老道的师傅在拆模前也无法准确“计算”出每一次的品质效果。
以材质再生为基本手段的水磨石系列,将陶瓷废渣再生成简洁形态的日常性家具,以衍生产业的形式回归到大众层面的使用中。 中国佛山,这片拥有全球最大最成熟的陶瓷产业链和产业集群的建筑陶瓷工厂的土地,承载着每年400万吨陶瓷废弃物带来的环境污染。 以材质再生融入日常,不仅是激发商业价值的大胆尝试,是环保理念的日常化实践,更是对自我尊严的基本坚守和追求,我们探寻陶瓷跨越地域局限的一种当代突破!
洞石,由岩浆喷出地表或侵入地壳冷却凝固所形成的岩石,有明显的矿物晶体颗粒或大小不均、不规则分布气孔,约占地壳总体积的65%,总质量的95%。 产品中偶然遇见黑洞石的孔洞中有绣红痕迹附着或米黄色的硬质晶体,是与黑洞石共存地底下的矿物质。 以及,遍布不均的孔洞,有的产品见多,有的产品见少,均是黑洞石自然形成的结果。 是一种材料的生命,我们坚持保留。
实现吊灯“人”的批量生产,人人成众。以量化的“人”,美的质量和价格,惠及大众,即为众。 创立本土创造之初,我们曾说要走商业化道路,以普世情怀去创造产品,让原创设计回归日常,惠顾大众。很多人只把它当成一句稚言,毕竟在产能、工艺等种种现实下,它只能是一句空洞的口号。经过五年痛苦研发,在工艺和产能上,已逐渐成熟,实现批量化生产。以寄寓美好期望的“众”为开端,让原创设计回归日常,以美回馈大众!
黑洞石,由岩浆喷出地表或侵入地壳冷却凝固所形成的岩石。 气孔-由于岩浆在地表冷却速度极快,气体在其中无法逸出而形成气孔。岩浆的气体分布、不同地质的岩浆含气量不同,造成气孔大小不等、散布不均。 物质-气孔中的锈红或米黄色附着物,是与黑洞石共存地底下的矿物质。 纹理-丰富或素白,是岩石经过万年沉积、重新结晶中自然而成的结果。